Posts in 4mm Wagons
Cavalex HAA in OO
HAA Render 5.PNG

Cavalex Models, in collaboration with KMS Railtech and Trains4U, are pleased to announce a newly tooled HAA family of hopper wagons in 4mm scale.

The model is already significantly advanced and at the tooling stage.

HAA Render 3.PNG
HAA Render 1.PNG

Watch out for the full update this Sunday, 20th September at 8pm.

TEA update - EP1 samples

We are pleased to advise that the first Engineering Prototype samples of our TEA have arrived. There are a few minor tweaks to be made which will be implemented ahead of the first painted samples due over the next couple of months. We are very pleased with how these have turned out and would like to pass on our thanks to everyone that has supported this and all of our projects so far.

Stay safe.

TEA bogie tank - Engineering Prototype sample

TEA bogie tank - Engineering Prototype sample

TEA bogie tank - Engineering Prototype sample

TEA bogie tank - Engineering Prototype sample

TEA bogie tank - Engineering Prototype sample

TEA bogie tank - Engineering Prototype sample

TEA bogie tank - Engineering Prototype sample

TEA bogie tank - Engineering Prototype sample

TEA bogie tank - Engineering Prototype sample

TEA bogie tank - Engineering Prototype sample

TEA bogie tank - Engineering Prototype sample

TEA bogie tank - Engineering Prototype sample

TEA update

TEA update - April 2020

The factory have advised that the first sprues out of the TEA moulds have been produced. We are very excited about seeing the first Engineering Prototype samples.


We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy during this difficult time.

BBA/BLA Engineering Prototype Samples have arrived

We are pleased to announce that the first Engineering Prototype samples of our BBA and BLA wagons have arrived.

There are a few minor tweaks to be made to the design and then painted samples will be produced.  We are hoping to have the painted samples on display at The Warley Model Railway Show in November.

If you are visiting The Bury St. Edmunds exhibition on Saturday the 28th of September we will be attending the show and have the EP samples on display. Please do come and say hello if you are planning to visit.