Cavalex Models’ July update


It has been a busy month following DEMU Showcase so this will be a smaller update this month.
First of all a big thank you to the DEMU team for a great weekend and also to everyone that came to see us at the show, thank you.

Project updates as follows:

The second run of PGAs are currently being printed, with an expected delivery in the UK late Q3/early Q4 this year. We will have new livery variations (Original Redland/Plain White/Plain White with Patch) as well as another running number for the Redland wagons. There will also be numerous detail variations to add variety to your rake (with protection panels/stanchions with/without ladders and walkways).

We have seen an increase in orders for our N gauge version of our PGA and unfortunately despite support from our friends at Revolution Trains, the total numbers are still short of the required total for the project to proceed.

Whilst we are still keen to produce our PGA wagon in N gauge, we are going to conduct a review over the next month or so before making a decision on this project.

We are going to focus on the 4mm market up until the release of Project 225, then we will turn our attention to the N gauge market.

Tooling is progressing well - we are hoping to have the first samples out of the moulds in early August. We will of course post any updates as and when we receive the first wagon samples. After we’ve received the first samples we will contact customers requesting second payments in preparation for production.

We are currently finalising order numbers and liaising with the factory before tooling commences. We will provide an update in due course when we progress to the tooling stage. Estimated delivery of the TEA is currently looking at late Q2/Early Q3 2020.

We are currently at the design stage. We will provide an update when the model progresses to pre-order.

Project 225:
Design work is progressing well and we will be providing more of an update on the design work over the next few months.